
AI is the next platform. It will fundamentally change how we live and work.

A new platform needs a new app-store. We engineers currently have a slim chance of creating our own app-store before some large corporation does it.

We must seize this chance.

It is vitally important that we don't repeat the travesty that is Apple's App store. Fundamental layers of the internet are too important to be controlled by any single monopolistic company extracting a tax.

APIs serve as the apps on the AI platform. We need a headless app-store so that AIs can discover and use APIs. A store that is built upon the open web and the OpenAPI specification.

openpm.ai is that store. We are an open source package-manager for OpenAPI files. Everything we release is under the MIT license. We will never charge a transaction fee for our services. We will never wield editorial control. We will only take down packages that are scams or illegal under US law. At any point you can choose to export all of our packages and run them on your own server.